Notes on updating User Profile via Iterable webhooks

Iterable journeys have two webhook nodes to choose from so I was trying to figure out which node will make an outbound call to an API, receive data, and then write data back into the User Profile.

The “Journey webhook” node will not write data to the user profile.

  • This is an outbound-only HTTP request.
  • We can use the webhook to tell external certain things about the user that Iterable knows. But the webhook itself is fire-and-forget.

We are forced to use the “User Profile update” node

  • Iterable automatically stuffs a ?email=<email address> parameter on every request (security prob?)
  • This node allows for an Authorization header.
    • Screenshot shows Authorization: abcdefg
    • We can do Authorization: Bearer <token> to do basic auth instead of authorization token?

Example request header from User Profile update via webhook

GET /? HTTP/1.1
Host: <HOST>
User-Agent: AHC/2.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: <STRING>
X-Forwarded-For: <IP ADDRESS>
X-Forwarded-Host: <HOST>
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
Accept-Encoding: gzip